:852-31566291 | :852-31566290 | : 香港九龍佐敦道51號D地下 (地鐵柯士甸站A出口近渡船街東出位) | | | 瀏覽人數 |
土耳其及敘利亞發生發生7.8級地震,造成當地及鄰國敘利亞三萬多人死亡。一千萬人受災 !
巴基斯坦水災死亡人數增至逾1,600人,差不多全國三份之一地方都受影響, 超過3300萬人受災。當局宣布撥款協助重災區卑路支省,并呼籲國際社會提供援助。 超過三千萬難民等待緊急救援! https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62719659 Our organization is an international rescue and disaster relieve Institute basing on Christian faith, registered in Hong Kong. We sent our relieve team directly to the disaster districts and distributing materials directly to the hands of the homeless victims and to the victims’ families, but not makes via any other NGOs or local governments. Our natural disaster relief Team got a lot of experiences in international rescues and relieves, such as : 1.In the year of 2004 December, South East Asia Tsunami. 2.In the year of 2008 May, Wenchuan Earthquake in China. 3.In the year of 2009 September, Philipino Storm Disaster. 4.In the year of 2010, April,Qinghai province, China . 5.In the year of 2016 December, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Many victims got symptoms of PTSD. We send Pastors, Missionaries and professional Psychologists in order to offer spiritual and psychological comforts and healing. We also let some media to monitor our ministries. Now the flooding disaster occurring in Pakistan making numerous victims and consequently, over one-third of it’s territory being seriously affected. Our organization hope to send relief Team to help in this century flooding disaster in the Pakistan. We just need a Requisition Letter from local NGO in Pakistan , so that we can apply the project funding from Hong Kong Govt. and then immediately flight to the disaster area to rescue the victims in these critical moment . God bless you all ! From : Pastor George Leung Commissioner of Disaster Relief 心靈輔導熱線/whatsapp : +852 56630781 本中心每個星期都有活動 查詢報名熱線/whatsapp : +852 93395690 近年,社會大眾面臨眾多難關,疫情下我們共同面對的各式各樣困擾,社交隔離下的焦慮、抑鬱等, 皆為全港市民的身心健康帶來前所未有的各式各樣困擾和挑戰。難關及困境似乎仍須持續一段時間, 準確有效的身心靈健康培養 (包括S.Q., A.Q., E.Q.)對我們而言非常重要。 本會將於未來數年舉辦一系列活動和講座及問卷調查等,輔助大眾及義工領袖認識/認知自己及受助 者情緒, 提供/舉辦各項園藝治療、有機耕種及山野郊遊及大 自然天然環境中使身心靈復康, 輔導及治療,並邀請參加者及義工領袖共同進一步探索「身心靈健康 抗逆力」的概念, 並共同去培育及實踐提昇大家心靈和情緒多元智商(A.Q., S.Q., E.Q., M.Q.)。實踐全 人身心靈健康及可持續發展社區。
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